Eclipse Sound Healing Meditation


What is an eclipse?

Eclipses are astronomical events where our Earth, our moon, and sun move into positions where the sun’s light is fully or partially blocked by either the moon or Earth. Because of the incredibly reliable motions of these celestial bodies (the planets and our Earth, moon, and sun), the precise timing of eclipses is predictable within seconds.

Why is it important to join us for the eclipse Sound Meditation?

During eclipses, when the sun’s light is blocked, brief windows of opportunity for enormous progress in meditation are briefly opened.

Our nearest star, the sun, sends us its life-giving rays over a wide spectrum. The sun’s radiation gives us a kind of nutrition, and even the reflected sunlight from the moon brings us a sweet and valuable glow called “Soma” which has subtle yet powerful effects on our health including our spiritual health.

It’s well-known in many spiritual traditions that an individual’s ability to transcend during meditation is drastically amplified during eclipses when the sun’s influence is either eliminated, reduced, or deflected. 

While those who know nothing of spiritual value watch the eclipses with special glasses and marvel at the novelty of these cosmic events, those who understand the connections between eclipses and spiritual practices take advantage of these twice-yearly opportunities to transcend deeply. 

Some meditation masters have said that “during those fleeting moments of totality during eclipses, we can burn off 10,000 times more past karma than during normal meditation,” and the more effective our transcending during meditation, the faster our spiritual progress will be.

But here’s the caveat: the opportunity to transcend incredibly deeply during eclipses is only activated when we are experiencing clear transcending! 

So if you’re in meditation during the moments of totality within the eclipse and you’re off on thoughts and not deep in transcendence, or worse, if you’ve drifted off into dreaming or deep sleep, then you won’t cash in on this super-charged meditation, capable of burning off mega amounts of past karma.

So here’s our exciting offer!

Join us in your meditation by playing the special Sound Journey we’ll put online for you to help guarantee your transcending/clear experience during your location’s precise time of totality during this upcoming eclipse!

While you’re listening to the flowing, droning sounds of the Crystal Singing Bowls you’ll reach a state of wakeful transcendence and we know you’ll experience something very special! Afterward, we’ll look forward to hearing your experiences.

So important!

Please bring your well-rested nervous system to this meditation! If you’re exhausted, you’ll probably just fall asleep, which is fine, but you won’t gain the rare benefits of wakeful transcending during those few moments of totality during this upcoming eclipse.

Sound Healer Kalee Plays Buffalo Drum

My name is Kalee and I teach an easy and simple method when practiced consistently leads one to a healthier and happier state of being. As a trained practitioner of this method, I can attest to the effect it has had on my former fears, uncertainties, and perceptions. Then I found a way to transcend all and soon found that I had overcome my stage fright, had more clarity of focus, and felt an overall sense of ease and relaxation.

 These sessions will train a person to release their stress daily, get in the driver’s seat of their mind and the relentless thoughts, and calm the nervous system allowing the emotions to follow the calm mind and just run through in just a few minutes a day. The tool used in your sessions with me helps to entrain your brainwave patterns to deeper states, eventually allowing you to be in charge of your mind, and emotions and therefore, master life.

Sometimes people become paralyzed with anxiety and stress and they’re unable to make any kind of a move in any direction.

Please click the scheduling button below and I’ll see you at your first introductory session. I look forward to meeting you soon!

Not sure if this is really for you?

Then TRY just one session and if you love it and want to continue, you can put this session toward your first schedule of the weekly session package.