Sound Healing Meditation Training with Crystal Bowl for Peace, calm, release anxiety, stress

Tranquility Sound Meditation Training with Crystal Singing Bowls

The Easy, Effective, And Enjoyable Way To 

*BE Calm and Peaceful

*Clear Your Mind

*Transmute Emotions 

Consistently release stress, anxiety, and worry and embrace a life of awareness,  joy, and mastery.

Available for a limited time!

These private sessions are one-to-one on ZOOM

Sound Healer Kalee Plays Buffalo Drum

HI, I'm Kalee

My System Supports You On Your Journey Of Inner Mastery Of Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Healing

Are you feeling the weight of stress in your life like a weight on your chest? Do you feel anxious and have a mind that’s out of control with worry and negative thoughts? Are you noticing any gradual loss of mental clarity? Do you feel mentally and emotionally weak as you spiral further down a road leading to food or alcohol cravings and a mindless need for endless dopamine hits on your smartphone? 

 What if I told you there was a simple system you can check into within minutes and begin stabilizing the real you, the person exuding clarity, calm and contentment. You CAN choose peace, happiness and freedom from excess stress and worry. 

After more than 20 years of practicing my system of Sound Healing I have established a program that allows anyone (including people just like you!) who want to be free of excess stress, anxiety and worry to cultivate a new lifestyle that’s more in tune with a pure heart and a creative self.


You can easily develop healthy habits that spontaneously help you to blossom in a more balanced state enjoying a healthier and happier life. 

Peace From Suffering is Easy

What I Do, You Can too!

With a few simple techniques and consistent easy effort, I can show you how to transform anxiety and stress and cultivate an inner warrior of calm in any storm.


Here are just a few of the benefits of this program: 

  • A sensation of release and lightness
  • Clarity of mind 
  • An ability to calm emotions
  • Feel empowered as you master the techniques and acheive desired states of being for yourself
  • Inner Awareness of what’s needed to create positive change
  • Deeper connection to the higher power


Skills acquired from consistent practice of these techniques:

  • Entrain your brain waves patterns to calm the nervous system
  • Redirect thoughts that tend to spiral out of control
  • Transmute emotions
  • Release stress effortlessly while in a deep state
  • Trained in playing a Crystal Singing Bowl and knowing how to intentionally use sound for a positive outcome
  • Learn to open and honor your expression through vocal toning 

Making the decision to join Kalee’s Program was one of the best decisions I have ever made. By joining I made a personal commitment to healing and growth and by completing the program I felt like a different person. Kalee told me that my energy would completely shift and despite my initial skenticism, she was right!

l joined because I wanted to experience sound healing in order to heal personal wounds but left the program with a renewed sense of clarity, a certification, and the tools to create my own sound healing business. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking for an energetic shift and spiritual guidance from an incredible healer.

Lynée Gordon, Founder of Heal Good Collective, LLC

Dear Kalee,

I’ve just finished your Sound Healing FB challenge 1 1/2 weeks ago. It was pure “luck” and very timely for me as I’m recovering from a Herniated back – since last September.

I loved your structure and your gentle and accepting manner, you led us through your 3 sessions. I felt a prompt response in my body, mind, and subconscious, which gave me some quite profound experiences…

Your knowledge and approach is very professional and I highly recommend your Healing Sound Arts.

I’m ever so grateful for learning more about the magic of “your universe”.

In Love, Praise & Gratitude

Charlotte Roost

Kalee is a phenomenal sound healing teacher/coach. She is incredibly wise, knowledgeable, talented personable, and caring. Simply put, Kalee’s heart is full of joy and it is truly a treasure to learn from her! Kalee also believes in and commits to maintaining a community with her students through her virtual monthly community gathering offering additional knowledge and support and keeping out global community connected. Furthermore, Kalee continues to promote each of her students by giving the opportunity to be a part of special Sound Journey events which she publishes online. I could go on but I think you get the point that Kalee doesn’t stop working with her students upon the course completion. She is there for you and wants to see you succeed!

Kimberly Dunn, Creator of Rays Of Life, LLC

What are Tranquility Sound Healing Meditation Sessions?

The Tranquility Series consists of 30-minute weekly sessions on ZOOM with a Certified Sound Practitioner who assists you in becoming a master of your thoughts, and emotions while assisting you to move to deep rest, freeing you from stress, anxiety, and old patterns.

We begin each session with the Crystal Singing Bowls being sounded and then move into some light, quiet vocal toning which moves and clears energy, helps one to feel heard and then enlivens and charges the body and brings one to a place of deep calm.

Next we practice sitting with eyes closed, silently noticing that we are not just our thoughts, as they spontaneously rise and disappear. We bring our awareness back to the Sound of the bowl and feel into our beingness as we enjoy spontaneous deep rest. 

After the session the Sound dissolves into silence and we sit in silence for 5 minutes. This gives us the practice of moving back to the memory of the Sound as strong thoughts or any anxieties come up. 

You are meant to live Authentically, Inspirationed, and to create a life in Joy.

It’s Time To Take Back Control Of Your Life




Other Offerings:

The Healing Sound Arts System and Personal Coaching To Be a Certified Sound Healer

Become a Certified Sound Healer in an intensive 90-day Program with one-to-one support and coaching from Kalee. This program includes the full online Healing Sound Arts System Course loaded with videos, audio, and pdf materials created for the natural healer who is inspired to heal self and share healing with the community.

The Healing Sound Arts System

Everything you need to take your natural healing gifts and couple them with knowledge and skill of working in the field of Sound Healing. The Healing Sound Arts System Online Course is loaded with videos, audio, pdf materials for the natural healer who is inspired to heal self and share healing with the community.

Crystal Singing Bowls Course

This training is packed full of everything you need to know about the Crystal Singing Bowls: playing, set up, healing for self and how to share with others in both single sessions and group events.