Welcome to Resonant Alchemy

The Healing Sound Arts Program


Become a Sound Healing Practitioner as you immerse yourself in deep knowledge of light and frequency coupled with personalized coaching. 

As a conscious being and an awakened sensitive, you feel drawn to learn the Healing Sound Arts that you’ve possibly already utilized in other lifetimes and are now ready to pursue as you master your
natural healing abilities.


You feel compelled to make a difference on the planet, to live authentically, and to expand your inner spiritual work, all while sharing your gifts, your intuitive knowing, and higher wisdom with the world
through your own business.


As a spiritual entrepreneur, you’re ready to add a powerful healing modality that amplifies and deepens the results in your own life and the lives of your clients. As a natural healer and a spiritual entrepreneur, you seek to become a master of self, you enjoy the process of deep, spiritual inner work and utilize the art of healing so that you vibrate as a powerful beacon to others, living in joy, personally and with your own healing business.


The Resonant Alchemy Healing Sound Arts system is an intensive, transformational program working one-to-one with Kale. The weekly meetings are designed for in-depth coaching and transformation coupled with the Certified Sound Healing Practitioner training in the Healing Sound Arts.


Empathic, Old Soul, Natural Healer, Way-Shower…

Are you an awakened sensitive or an empath and a natural healer and feel pulled to serve in a much bigger way?

Are you seeking a healing method that assists you in your awakening process to help anchor yourself into a practice that will assist others?

Sound Healer Kalee and Transcendence with Crystal Singing Bowls

What is Resonant Alchemy Healing Sound Arts System?

To walk the path of a Sound Healer requires stability, alignment, intention, and practice all based on focus and organizational skill. The system you will learn enables you to know yourself as an alchemist as you realize and then utilize your inner power and insight. You’ll create new realities for yourself as a healer,
providing relief for people and then that competence will translate into a reputation and all of it will flow out into the environment. What we create within ripples outward! 

The main tools we use are the fluency we gain with our Voice and the Sound Healing instruments we learn about and master. These instruments include our set of Crystal Singing Bowls and also the various Sound Healing instruments we learn about through this course. Hand-held drums including the Buffalo drum and the
Ocean drum along with some wonderful-sounding chimes, gongs, tuning forks, and crystal pyramids. With all of this instrumentation, led by our voice, we will
become competent at giving treatments and leading meditations and Sound Journeys. 

Taken as a whole, this system helps you to become the empowered healer you know you really are deep within and it will quickly bring out your own unique gifts. The course includes a template for setting up your practice and will inspire you to shine your light as you step into your authentic frequency and life purpose.


1. Get clarity and align with your vision.
With clarity of vision and intentional focus, we can begin to clear what’s in the way. We learn to act on our inspiration as we feel the resonance within our deepest selves. Through deep healing focused inward, we uncover our inner power and bring out our gifts allowing our insights to speak to us. This gifted insight comes to us as waves of “downloads” and sets us apart from the way most people function.

2. Release and heal from the old way of being. Allow old frequencies (stressful memories, emotional trauma, unbearable overloads) to naturally release so you can create space for your new reality. In this course we do the work to release, clear, and reprogram the mind, creating new habits as we fortify our energy field and establish a protective shield. You’ll learn to create a frequency field that is there wherever you go!

3. Practice and learn all about working with energy, frequency, and vibration. We may have grown more sensitive in recent days. Through this course, we hone our new sensitivities to yield the much-needed awareness and information that helps us to create harmony in the environment at the deepest level. We learn to explore more deeply with Healing Sound, finding special frequencies as we begin our vibrational healing work.

4. Discover the power of your own authentic voice. We accurately tune into our inner world and tone ourselves and discover the most powerful tool within us: the Voice. We strengthen, realize, and utilize our Voice and as we experience sounder and sounder, we begin to tune into our environment. Our throat Chakra becomes more attuned and we become more aware and intuitive with both our inner Voice and our outer Voice. (From personal experience, I can honestly say this is the most fun part of the work for me! I love sharing this with my students too).

5. Learn to deeply tune into yourself, others, and the space that you’re in and choose your instruments. The healing sound from these powerful Sound Healing instruments – especially the Crystal Singing Bowls – can open us up, and so very quickly, we open up our intuitive centers in a bigger way. The Sound opens portals, unblocks all debris, and clears the way for so many new realities to form. Throughout this course, we’ll continue practicing with both Voice and the Sound Healing instruments to create and shift.

6. Create, play, and hold space for groups in Sound Journeys, Sound Baths, and Sound Meditations. As we tune into our environment and others, we experiment and play with frequency and learn about Healing Alchemy. We play, sing, and dance with energy and learn to create a harmonious field for ourselves and others. We practice with groups and each other in Sound  Journeys and group meditations and events. Different setups, activities, and musical tips are offered throughout the program that builds confidence in the Sound Healer.

7. Bring out your inner Alchemist.
Learn about transformation, transmutation, and transcendence. Practice using specialized tools that will develop your ability to transmute energy for self, groups,
and clients. We’ll learn diagnostic tools that can help us to determine what a client needs. Through practice and experience, you’ll gain confidence in your work and
grow comfortable with your new capabilities.

8. Create your sacred space for your one-to-one client sessions, get feedback and learn from your experience. We create our one-to-one healing practice. This is where your hard work pays off, as we invite others into our healing space to assist and heal in one-to-one sessions and in group settings. By asking others to come in and enjoy a healing session, we often receive feedback that helps to develop our healing skills. Through the requirements of the course, you’ll work on at least 6 people and hopefully give them a minimum of 3 sessions each, since healing works in layers.

9. Set up shop, open your front door and hang that certificate on the wall. You’ve earned it and you deserve it!
Now that your healing practice is up and running, you’re seeing clients and scheduling Sound Journeys where you can meet more people. You spend time promoting your work and you organize yourself to manage the business, and follow up on new leads and respond to your (golden!) referral leads.

Click on the appointment scheduling button for a Clarity Call with Kalee where together you’ll see if this is a good fit.

Become a Sound Healer through both detailed instruction including personal attention along with deep healing exercises and sessions with Kalee.

Your Healing Sound Arts program will give you both the knowledge and direct experience that you need to change your career and become a successful Sound Healer. This program assists in your awakening process and will also give you a direct experience of what it’s like to have an experienced Sound Healer work with you.

This is a 90-Dav (42-hour) certificate program that meets weekly and is taught through one-to-one sessions online. Additionally, the student is required to work at least 3 hours minimum each week throughout the program on exercises and do individual research using materials provided in the course. The course includes 3-months worth of video training and 3-extensive booklets that guide the research and practice for each of the three levels. Each month equals one level.

The Healing Sound Arts 90-Day program offers training utilizing Sound Healing to help transform ourselves and the lives of others. At the end of this course and after completion of several practical milestones, you will earn your certificate as a Sound Healing Practitioner.

Who will benefit from this course?

Good candidates for this program are highly empathic, conscious old souls and natural healers. They are awakening to the call to hold space for others and they resonate deeply with Sound. They are ready to explore and open wide, ready to do the necessary inner work that’s essential to bring out their gifts, inner knowing, and move into their purpose as way-showers. These sensitive and highly creative types know it takes deep inner work to solidify a field for this very important work as a true Sound Healer and Alchemist.

Healing Sound Arts Mentorship and Certificate

A 90-Day Course of Instruction to Earn Your Healing Sound Arts Certificate

Playing Crystal Singing Bowls For Sound Healing

Who is an ideal candidate for this program?

People who are open to new ways of thinking, being, and doing and are not afraid to dive deeply inward. You’re happy to live in the mystery of life and enjoy the process. My students are excited and passionate about studying, researching, and embodying the world of Sound Healing. They always express so much gratitude for the training they receive and I love seeing them become the Sound Healer and Alchemist they are meant to become! Being a Sound Healer myself, I love inviting conscious, empathic, open positive, self-empowered natural healers into this program.


What type of person is your program NOT going to work for?
The Resonant Alchemy Program is offered through application and interview only and we don’t accept everyone. It is not for those who are too busy to completely focus on the course during their class time and during the time they devote to their weekly research work. You will be given all the personal instruction and materials you need to succeed, but it’s like the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, (you can even hold the horse’s head UNDER the water!) but the horse must choose to drink.” My thriving, successful students are the ones who have an inner passion to absorb this knowledge and get through the material. They show up ready to work at their appointed class times. They bring up questions about the reading material and the exercises they’ve done during the week before their next weekly lesson. They’re open to receiving new knowledge and insights and are truly ready to do all the required work. Please realize that this program involves training which is not a passive process: you need to do the work! Those who plan to dive into it but then prefer to postpone all the heavy work for “later” should not apply. People who are not able to receive and feel compelled to use their one-to-one time to talk about themselves and their histories and all their problems will not do well. This course is not psychoanalysis (which has its place) and this program doesn’t offer space for the “talk therapy” type of healing or coaching.
After more than a decade of screening and training hundreds of people, I’ve gained clarity about who will thrive with this material under the schedule we adopt and I will not allow someone to enter this program when my inner knowing tells me they will struggle, and that’s one of many reasons why a clarity call between us is essential (please follow the link to schedule a clarity call with me if you’re serious about moving forward). My goal is to help create successful, self-empowered healers who will first heal themselves and then go out and share this work with the world.



Lynée Gordon, Founder Of The Heal Good Collective

“Making the decision to join Kale’s Resonant Alchemy Program was one of the best decisions I have ever made. By joining I made a personal commitment to healing and growth and by completing the program I felt like a different person. Kalee told me that my energy would completely shift and despite my initial skenticism, she was right! l joined because I wanted to experience sound healing in order to heal personal wounds but left the program with a renewed sense of clarity, a certification, and the tools to create my own sound healing business. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking for an energetic shift and spiritual guidance from an incredible healer”

Lynée Gordon

Kimberly V. Dunn, Rays Of Life Sound Therapy

I completed my program with Kalee (Vibrations of Joy) in 2021 and found her Resonant Alchemy Healing Sound Arts program to be everything I was looking for in a Sound Healing Practitioner course and more!

I have taken many other courses, some paid, some free, some resulting in a diploma or certification. While all these courses provided me with very valuable information and experience, none came close to what Kalee’s Healing Sound Arts System course afforded me and that is CONFIDENCE! I felt her program was very informative and provided a wealth of information, tools, and practical training and it was all done in a virtual environment.

Kalee is a phenomenal sound healing teacher/coach. She is incredibly wise, knowledgeable, talented, personable, and caring. Simply put, Kalee’s heart is full of joy and it is truly a treasure to learn from her! Kalee also believes in and commits to maintaining a community with her students through her virtual monthly community gatherings offering additional knowledge and support, and keeping our global community connected. Furthermore, Kalee continues to promote each of her students by giving the opportunity to be a part of special Sound Journey events which she publishes online. I could go on but I think you get the point that Kalee doesn’t stop working with her students upon course completion. She is there for you and wants to see you succeed!

If you are in the process of deciding which sound healing program to commit to, just know that your investment with Kalee will be well worth it! I am truly grateful for Kalee and her Resonant Alchemy Healing Sound Arts program! Because of Kalee, I gained the knowledge and confidence I needed to bring magical and transformative sound healing experiences to others! Thank you Kalee!

Vibrations Of Joy 

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